rest is not a waste of time

A few weeks ago, I was sitting in the second row at our church and the pastor said something that struck me to my core.

rest is not a waste of time.

read that again.

and again.

and again until it sinks in!

it’s so hard for me to sit still, let the house drop below my standards, ask for help from others (& accept their help), not complete the tasks I believe are priorities, etc. can you relate?

maybe because I think my value is based on my ability to fulfill my job (keep the house in order, raise Godly kids, run errands, etc.). maybe because it’s rooted in my identity and not wanting to appear like others I know who abuse people while they receive help. or maybe, just maybe, I’m trying to keep myself busy and distracted to avoid some very real things.

I honestly don’t know, but whatever the reason, my mantra lately has been “rest is not a waste of time!” and I have found that the more I say it, the more I’m beginning to believe it. and doing it. and embracing it.

so, my sweet friend, I hope you can find some time this weekend or in the near future to rest.

+take a nap.


+watch a movie you enjoy.

+take a walk.

+pamper yourself.

+sit and stare at the wall.


+go for a drive.

+dance unashmedly to your favorite song.


be still and rest. and be okay with it!

One Reply to “rest is not a waste of time”

  1. Laura Thomas says:

    I love this shout out and reminder! Also I like your list of options. I have found it very helpful to make a list ahead of time to identify what “rest” feels like to me. That process helps me feel successful after I have done something on that rest-list. It’s a continuous process along my journey in balanced, healthy living. 🥰

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