Did you know that “toys” were not invented until 1955? The exact same year that Mickey Mouse Clubhouse aired on TV and commercials now had a new audience – children. Suddenly, there was a new voice and market for children’s toys. Prior to 1955, a child received one toy a year and that was for enormous, specials occasions. Today, kids expect toys constantly and their attitude and imagination suffer because of it.
Our household has filters that toys have to pass before we let them into our home and we limit the quantity. Our heart is that we want our children to have strong, thriving imaginations.
Last week we received an Amazon package that was delivered in a rather large box. Some would see a large piece of trash, but I saw it as a wonderful opportunity for Rylie’s imagination to flourish.
Saturday morning (12.8.18), our family was hanging out in the living room, playing and watching the Tim Allen classic, “The Santa Clause” and I decided to pull out the box and laid it on the living room floor with a box of crayons. “Here Rylie! This is for you to color. It can be anything you want it to be. A plane. A spaceship. A boat. Anything.” She was hesitant about this large object until Aaron jumped in matching my excitement level.
After some coloring, Aaron gasped and said, “oh my gosh! We should make it a drive-thru!” He grabbed a pocket knife and I helped Rylie gather her play food from her kitchen.
With a few more touches, we were done and Rylie was ready for business!
Emmaline was anxiously awaiting the grand opening so she could be the fist customer!
A menu of Rylie’s current favorite foods. “Lemonade” was added to the menu after dinner 😛
Even after serving some food, Rylie is continually adding improvements to her establishment.
Last week, it was just a box from Amazon. Today, it’s Rylie’s 2 Go – a drive-thru restaurant.