rylie’s 3rd birthday party || spider-man themed

Rylie watched Spider-Man: Into the Spiderverse in the late summer and it very quickly became her favorite. When we asked what she wanted her birthday theme to be in late August, without hesitation she replied, “SPIDER-MAN!” Knowing her answer might change, we gave it a couple more days and then asked again. We got the same answer with the same enthusiasm, so a Spider-Man birthday party it was.

We rented a clubhouse, got some decorations from Hobby Lobby + Wal-Mart and made our go-to party dinner complimented with an easy treat.


We all wore Spider-Man shirts (Rylie wanted to match Emmaline) which was a fun way to celebrate.


We missed a few friends and family members, but overall Aaron and I feel like all the right people came to celebrate Rylie.

The kids were constantly laughing, running, and enjoying themselves. 3 sure is fun!


The best kind of parties are the ones where there are few pictures because you were busy living in the moment. But I hope you enjoyed getting a peek into Rylie’s Spider-Man party 🙂

One Reply to “rylie’s 3rd birthday party || spider-man themed”

  1. […] has been nice because at least there is some variety for us adults. She loves Spider-Man (hence the birthday party theme), Toy Story, Incredibles 2 and Zootopia. Movie time is considered a treat and is accompanied […]

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