rylie’s 6th birthday

My oldest daughter turned SIX on Tuesday (the 8th) and it really didn’t hurt my heart like I thought it would. She’s just so mature and her growing up is bitter-sweet but more sweet.

I really didn’t take many photos that day. We had pancakes with strawberries and whip cream (per her request) and then went to a thrift store for a few minutes before heading to a trampoline park. We jumped our heart out and had so many laughs for a couple hours before we got some lunch with our exhausted but happy crew.

After lunch, we got frozen yogurt.

We headed home for a few hours where we laid around and played with one of Spencer’s new thrift finds.

To wrap up the day, we met up with Tribe Shaver (Rylie’s grandparents + aunt & uncle) at Mexican.

The next day (11.9) we still celebrated with some Heavenly Donuts for breakfast that MiMi (Rylie’s grandma) bought us.

Overall, I’d say our girl had a very happy birthday AND we still have her party this weekend.