For a little less than a year, we’ve been going to a small group (not associated with Church of the Highlands) and have become very close friends with the people there. So SUNDAY (10.9.16), the ladies put together a co-ed baby shower for us, and the theme was from the Disney/Pixar movie Inside Out 😀
{fun fact :: in the movie Inside Out, the main character is a girl named Riley. It’s one of our all time favorite movies so a lot of people have asked if that’s how we picked the name for our daughter. It’s not, but we do think it’s a fun coincidence. 😉 }
We played a couple games which was really fun and provided lots of laughs. One of them was the cloths-pin game where you all start out with one cloths-pin and the rules were you couldn’t say the words “baby” or “Rylie” – if you did, you lost your cloths-pin. Aaron and our friend Lynn tied (they both had 4).
I lost mine within seconds of the game even starting… I was trying to trick Aaron into saying Rylie’s name… but I said “baby” in the process so he took my cloths-pin… pregnant women shouldn’t play that game! 😛
Immediately afterwards, we opened presents.
Again, we were blessed and overwhelmed by the thought our friends put into their gifts to us. We are very thankful for this community and their love for our daughter (even before she’s arrived).