rylie’s dedication

On SUNDAY (12.11.16), our sweet little one was dedicated.


It was something very important to both Aaron & I that our daughter was dedicated. However, this was just a ceremonial, public expression of her dedication to God. We personally dedicated her when we named her.

Rylie Annalise means –

an extravagant existence devoted to God.

But we were extremely excited to publicly dedicate her in front of family and a couple close friends.

We listened to our campus pastor – Pastor Bronson – read a short message about why children are dedicated and he shared a few verses.


We were the only family this month, so every now and then he would interrupt himself  and make comments on how alert and attentive Rylie was. It made our experience even more personal.


After Pastor Bronson was finished, he asked Aaron & I to come up front and he prayed over Rylie and our little family.


Rylie didn’t fuss one bit, and he again complimented how awesome she was!


“children are God’s best gift…” -psalm 127:3
