sc school orientation 2020

On Saturday (8.8.20) morning, Rylie expressed her desire to make a Forky. Since we’re starting school this Thursday, I decided to go all out and make it a full on orientation. Signs and everything ๐Ÿ˜›

Rylie’s focused face! ๐Ÿ˜›

From there we made our Forky.

Once her Forky had been made, she yelled โ€œI FINISHED KINDERGARTEN!!!โ€ ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜ฆ uh, we havenโ€™t even started Pre-K Babe ๐Ÿ˜‚ hahaha

From there we moved onto actually talking about our school day flow (ish). We took our time and they did some writing (scribbling) and traced their hands.

I also showed them their cubbies where their bins were that holds all their school books.

After that we painted.

And while we were painting, Rylie asked if we could paint cups. I was confused at first because of the way she asked it. “Can we paint cups like the girl did. And the boy took her craft. Can we do that?”

Uh. What?

Searching my memory for anything even remotely close to what she was asking, I landed on the scene from Toy Story 4, when Bonnie is at Kindergarten orientation and the teacher instructs the kids to make pencil holders out of cups. But a boy comes up and takes all of Bonnie’s craft supplies so Woody gives her the tools to make Forky.


I can work with that. hahaha

I grabbed a couple plastic cups and pages of stickers I had on hand and told the girls they could make their cups.

Meanwhile, Paisley was chewing on a marker.

And just like that, orientation was over. Not planned but oh so fun!