spencer – 4 months old

4 months going on 9 months. I mean, this kid is big. And smiley. And sweet. And has my heart.


  • his mirror friend (seeing himself in the mirror)
  • being held by his sisters (for a little while)
  • eating
  • smiling
  • talking
  • his play-mat
  • facing outward
  • being held my mama
  • getting a fresh diaper
  • his bedtime swaddle wrap


  • being out of routine
  • having a dirty diaper


It makes me happy to have some form of schedule when it comes to feedings. He usually has breakfast between 7-8am and from there he eats every 2-3 hours. He’s a great nurser and I’m happy to say this is the longest I’ve ever been able to nurse a baby πŸ˜€ with each girl, my supply disappeared by the end of 3 months, so the fact that he’s now 4 months and exclusively nursing is HUGE for me. Every day is now a new record and I’m ecstatic!


We aren’t sleeping through the night yet but I can predict when he’ll be up. He eats between 2-3am regularly and usually wakes up again between 5-6am.

Bedtime is between 7:30 – 8pm and naps are mid-morning, early afternoon, late-afternoon and maybe a random one thrown in somewhere in there.


Little Man is turning into a big man very quickly! the first thing everyone says when they see Spencer is “wow, he’s so big!” to which I reply, “thank you!” because it reassures me that I’m not crazy haha.

We’ve got some semblance of a routine / rhythm down for him and it makes my life a lot easier. I like being able to predict feedings, naps and awake times around what I’ve got going on that day. He’s very alert and loves to see what’s going on around him.

He’s even made a couple new friends that are close to his age πŸ™‚

He’s such a happy boy – no one can deny that. He loves to smile and chit-chat with you.

I got out the highchair so he can get used to sitting in in while we eat. It doesn’t always happen and definitely doesn’t last long, but he’ll get the hang of it.

Baths are hit or miss. Sometimes he loves them and other times he wants out. We are all shocked how quickly he’s outgrowing the baby-tub though… I mean, look at him – he’s practically overflowing it haha (check out this picture below from last month)…

Spencer has been getting along well with his sisters lately. He likes to be held (for a small amount of time) and definitely loves the company when he’s on his playmat.


It feels like time is going quickly, and I have mixed feelings. I love every stage of baby-hood for different reasons, but those squishy newborn days are long behind us. He’s really coming into his looks and his personality will only continue to develop. I’m excited but also taking extra time to enjoy those moments when he falls asleep while I’m holding him.


Rylie at 4 month old

Emmaline at 4 month old 

Paisley at 4 month old