summer blast 2016

[all photos are posted with permission]


MONDAY – WEDNESDAY (July 11th-13th) was Church of the Highland‘s annual Summer Blast (Vacation Bible School) for the kids of Highlands. It was my first time serving at this event but I was excited to see what the days were going to bring.

The theme was “Champions” and each day the kids learned a different lesson regarding it.

  1. Champions run the right race
  2. Champions never give up
  3. Champions win together

To accompany this lesson, the memory verse was Philippians 3:14 I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us.”

The decorations were Olympic style since the Summer Olympics are right around the corner.


Every morning we got there 2hours before the kids to check-in, make sure our group’s stuff was in order, and enjoy a complimentary breakfast (that’s one of the great things about Highlands – there is always food!) One of the mornings, we had doughnuts (which is definitely a favorite of this pregnant lady 😛 ).


After breakfast, we’d head into the auditorium for an update from the campus pastor & the leaders of Summer Blast.


The doors opened at 9am and kids started to flood in. After a half hour, they’d start praise and worship (3 upbeat songs that were accompanied with dance moves & 1 worship song). By the end of Summer Blast, all of them were stuck in my head.


And then we were off to our activities. Each color group had their own schedule, and since we were Blue, ours was:

  1. Games
  2. Snack
  3. Craft
  4. Movie (which was the lesson of the day)

It worked out great – the Highlands Kids team definitely did a phenomenal job putting it all together!


My group consisted of seven 6 year olds (1st graders). Here’s our group picture:




All in all, it was a great experience and I am thankful I got to be apart of it!