summer blast 2022

Earlier this week was Church of the Highlands’s kids conference – Summer Blast! It’s very similar to the well-known VBS (Vacation Bible School) that lots of churches have, but it’s only 3 days (Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday) from 9am-12pm.

Rylie got to participate for the first time last year and she absolutely loved it and exited to go back this year.

Each night before I packed a breakfast and lunch to go and the girls laid their outfits out on the couch. In the morning we woke up early, got dressed and ate breakfast in the car on the way to Summer Blast.

While Rylie was at Summer Blast, the other three kiddos and i went and had some fun of our own.

At the end, we would pick her up and eat lunch in the car while I drove home.

Each day the HK team texted us parents info about what they learned.

Rylie loved Summer Blast and next year, Emmaline will be joining her too (that brings up some mixed emotions for sure)!

You can check out all the Summer Blasts we’ve been a part of here: