summer swims

Ryan and Amberlyn (Aaron’s sister and her husband) invited us to Ryan’s grandparents to hang out in their pool. Uh, YES!

We arrived and immediately jumped in. Well, everyone but Emmaline.

Rylie loves water. She loves to swim and has really enjoyed jumping in this year. Our little fish for sure!

Emmaline, on the other hand, just wanted to watch. She’s always been called our “beach baby” because she loves the atmosphere without actually participating. I asked, “Emmaline, do you want to swim.”

“No.” she said as she walked over to a chair and started to sit.

“Are you sure? It’s so much fun!”

“No. Shirt.” she pointed to her shirt.

I figured that meant she wanted to keep wearing it, so I got Paisley ready. Then, I offered, “Emmaline. Do you want to wear your pretty swim suit?”

She looked at it, but again said, “No. Shirt.”

Then Aaron got on board. He said nothing different, but she said “Yeah, I DOOO!!!” to him, and she let him get her changed. hahaha

She let Amberlyn and Aaron trade off holding her a couple times, but she eventually found her spot on the steps and was so happy cheering everyone on as we jumped in the pool and laughing as she splashed herself with her hands. We asked if she wanted to swim like Rylie, and she quickly said, “no.”

Meanwhile, Paisley was clinging to me but enjoying splashing and loved the water feel. She immediately passed out though as soon as I got out with her.

Oh, and I can’t forget to mention that all three girls fell asleep on the way home. And stayed asleep while we unbuckled them and carried them up to their beds. Talk about worn out haha