thankful thursday #11

I’m 37 weeks pregnant today, and I can feel it. I take great pride in being an “easy pregnant person” (I don’t get too crazy during my pregnancy) but the last 4 weeks tend to be hard for me – physically and emotionally. With everything going on in my world, it’s good for me to pause and think about what I’m thankful for this week.


So with that, let’s dive right into this week’s Thankful Thursday, shall we!?



Thankful Thursday


  • Baby Shower at Work


Last Thursday (3.8.18), I was surprised at work with a Baby Shower lunch – complete with catered Tazikis, dessert, and gifts. The lunch hour was spent with my coworkers enjoying the food, chatting, and watching me open the gifts I received. It was really thoughtful and I felt really special that my job would invest money into an event like that for me!


  • Days Off


I had been fighting taking a day off work for a couple of weeks, but after 4 people told me it really was okay to take a day and recoup, I decided to request Friday (3.9.18). It was a gorgeous day, so after sleeping in and having a relaxing breakfast, we packed up and went to the park.


The remainder of the day was spent running errands, cleaning the house, and then chilling with ice cream while watching a movie.

  • Time with Rylie


Sundays are my days with Rylie, and this past one I really felt like we needed some “special girl time.” So after church, we went and had a pastry at Panera Bread (I had a “free pastry” coupon for my birthday – yay for free food! 😃) and then went over to Target where I had a gift card. The rest of the day was normal – playing and then off to church – but that time when it was just her and I, out and about, was special to my heart.



The idea of getting a car like this for Rylie only recently came to my mind, but when I found one at a garage sale in great condition for only $5 (sold brand new for $50+), you better believe I shoved that sucker in the backseat. So far, Rylie LOVES it! We haven’t quite mastered “driving” it yet, but she loves climbing in and out of it and I know she’ll catch on quickly (as she does with everything) on how to get it moving on her own. She likes it when we call the car “voom voom” and if we say, “Rylie – beep beep” she’ll push the middle of the steering wheel and say, “beep, beep!” with a big smile. It’s so cute!


  • Fixed Phone Screen

Back in October 2017, literally 2 days before we went on our mission trip to Newnan, GA, I dropped my phone in the parking lot at work and saw what every phone owner dreads – a cracked screen 🙁 At first I didn’t get it fixed because of the time limit we had (we were literally scrambling to finish packing before we actually left for the trip), but then it turned into a “I don’t want to spend the money… I can work around it” and I made it work for 5 months. But when a shard of glass had popped out of the screen and was lodged between the phone and the case, I decided it was time to get this long-overdue problem fixed. So I got it fixed this week and it’s like I have a brand new phone! 😀 It is so nice to not see lines on my images anymore haha





What are you thankful for this week?