thankful thursday #41

While I was writing this post, I realized I have 11 more  Thankful Thursday posts to write for 2018. Wow, that went fast.


Thankful Thursday #41


  • Zac & Kendyl’s Wedding


I’m so thankful that I was chosen to stand next to Kendyl on her big day! It really is such a sweet memory that I will treasure for a long time.


  • A Slow Sunday


Unfortunately, both the girls had a nasty cold and we didn’t feel like it was wise to put them in nursery at church, so I stayed home and cared for them. Although the girls love church and we hated to miss, it was so nice for me to have a day to myself with the girls. To rest after such a busy 6 weeks of having full weekend plans. To watch a favorite show. To catch up on our half dozen loads of unfolded laundry. For the girls to get good, long naps.  I’m thankful for the rest.


  • 12 Books of Christmas Facebook Party

On Tuesday night (10.9.18) I hosted a Facebook party where I broke down the 12 Books of Christmas idea more and helped people build their customized packages. It was such a great time and I really enjoyed spending “internet time” with my friends!




What are you thankful for this week?