thanksgiving 2017

Thanksgiving (11.23.17) this year was probably my favorite Thanksgiving to date. I slept in (only by 30 minutes, but it was nice to not feel rushed to get ready), got Rylie when she woke up and made her breakfast, and helped Michelle make breakfast for the tribe (her famous sticky buns ❤ ). I came across a fun idea the day before and we did our best to replicate the Pinterest post. I think we did a decent job though 😉




After we all ate breakfast, Michelle and I watched the parade. Rick was working outside, Amberlyn was getting ready for the day, Aaron was sitting on the couch “watching but not watching” the parade (he was basically counting all the mistakes that were made during the event – missed cues and words/sentences that didn’t make sense from the news anchors, dropped batons during the band performances, singers who missed the first couple words of their tracks and therefore exposing that they were lip-syncing, etc) and Rylie was happily playing her toys on the floor. I found a “Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade Bingo” on Pinterest and printed out a couple pages for us to play. It was a fun, new way to watch the parade.


While we were finishing the parade, we grabbed a quick bite for lunch. I pulled Rylie’s highchair into the living room so she could eat and watch at the same time and she loved it! She was pointing and talking to the TV and occasionally a look of pure shock would come on her face and it was hilarious. She “danced” (rocked back and forth) to some of the music too. It was precious.





Once we finished the parade, Michelle and I started cooking the Thanksgiving meal. We stuck to the basics this year:

  • Turkey
  • Green beans
  • Mashed potatoes
  • Gravy
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Stuffing (or “Dressing” – whatever you want to call it)
  • Rolls
  • Mac n’ Cheese


While we were waiting for the final dishes to cook in the oven, I grabbed Aaron and Rylie and got a picture.





Side Note:: I thought about changing clothes to look cuter for the picture, but this 21 week pregnant woman was WAY too comfortable and I didn’t want to portray that I looked super nice on Thanksgiving Day which wasn’t true at all. I try to be as real as I can on social media – I don’t like to give the illusion that I have it all together or that our life is perfect. So staying in sweats, leaving my hair in its messy ponytail and not retaking the picture my my sister-in-law’s cat decided to get in it was definitely a “real life” picture of this Thanksgiving – and I loved it! 😉


By 5pm we were all sitting around the table digging in to our plates.




The evening concluded with pumpkin pie, putting Rylie to bed, and a Christmas movie (which I fell asleep half way through).


I loved how relaxing but traditional this Thanksgiving was. I have great hopes that every Thanksgiving from here forward will be that chill.