thanksgiving week

I know it’s been a couple weeks since I’ve really posted anything personal. It’s been a crazy couple weeks & I’ve been spending so much time on my photography business I felt like I had hardly taken any photos even worth posting on my blog. But I always seem to forget how much I love blogging! So… here’s what the week of Thanksgiving looked like for us ::

For starters – Michelle’s mom came into town and stayed with us for 10 days to spend Thanksgiving with us. She is always a crack-up & we so enjoyed having her here!


On SATURDAY, I had 2 photo sessions (one was for a dental school & the other was a family session). At my family session, I brought Aaron with me & my client insisted on taking a photo of the two of us! Talk about a sweetheart! 🙂


Then came the week of Thanksgiving. I had to entire week off from the elementary school so I intended on taking that time to fully recuperate. But let’s be real, when your full time photography job doesn’t really feel like work, you’re gonna get stuff done! 😛 so yes, MONDAY included a late night work ses planning the styled shoot I’m putting together for next weekend (it’s my 1st one ever so I’m really excited about it).


TUESDAY was really exciting because we had plans with the tribe to see The Hunger Games : Monkingjay part 2 😀

Guys – this is my thing! I read the books, saw every movie opening week, & just about die from excitement every time. It’s my “fan girl” moment lol & the movie did not disappoint!


WEDNESDAY was a gorgeous day here in Alabama so Aaron & I did some walking around our property.


walking with him is one of my favorite things to do together. We always end up dream-building & it’s so much fun!632d9e0c-622d-4e60-a9c7-b6d0ab18b288

Aaron was super nice & took a picture of me in the field too. The sun was crazy bright & of course I was staring straight into it. This photo is an attempt for me to open my eyes on “3” but failed and ended up in a laughing spell. Aaron is in love with this photo – so I’m sharing it just for him! 😉


THURSDAY of course was Thanksgiving. Aaron & I have spent 4 Thanksgivings together and this was the 1st one I spent with his family. It was different, but good of course. I helped Michelle & Gma cook all day, and even though we were cooking for 7 adults, we still have a bunch of leftovers. 😛


As for Katara (cuz I know that’s the family member you all really care about 😛 hahaha just kidding!) – she’s doing phenomenal! She is obsessed with the outdoors and never likes being inside for any great length of time. Lately, she’s been really into being on top of our cars. It started when we had the 6 puppies wanting to play with her and it was the only way she could get away from them. Now, I think she just likes being up high.


Every time she gets picked up though, she purs super loud & it’s heart-melting! She also seems to find this position comfortable…


SATURDAY I decided to get out of the house & I went to visit Aaron at Starbucks. I was working on some photography stuff (yes, for the styled shoot specifically). Luckily, timing worked out that I was there for Aaron’s lunch break, so we got to enjoy some Panda Express together.



so there you go – all caught up. I’m excited to get back into blogging again & really making time for it! 😀