the house that built me

This is the first place we actually ever lived in Alabama. We moved to Sweet Home Alabama 5-years ago and a couple weeks later, we moved into this farmhouse with Aaron’s family (Rick, Michelle & sister, Amberlyn). We claimed the basement (we turned it into a studio apartment style) and shared everything else, including kitchen, laundry room and shower.

Looking back, I can’t help but feel more emotionally connected to that house than I expected. Pulling out of the driveway for the last time really reminded me of some of the biggest life moments that house shared with us. How it built me as a person. I learned the Alabama way as friends moved on in Seattle. I broke thoughts and habits I had grown up with that were wrong or I didn’t want to continue. I grew relationally with God as I learned more from church and started ministry school. Looking back, those first two years were so groundbreaking in my life.

That house built me as a daughter&sister-in-law. So many arguments and conversations happened in that house. Everyone who lived there will tell you they grew though. My relationship with my in-laws is what it is today because of those years we lived together. Because of those tear-filled conversations. Because of those behind-the-scenes things that you would never experience if you weren’t living together. It was hard, but I’m thankful for the dynamic relationship we have today because of it.

That house built me as a wife and mother. I walked that long driveway so many times trying to induce labor. We brought Rylie, our first child, home to that house. We conceived Emmaline there and we brought Paisley home to that farmhouse as well. That farmhouse watched me learn the ropes, cry in the closet, play in the bedroom, rearrange the furniture countless times and dream big dreams.

That house built me as a Christian. I wrestled with God about so many things there but I walked away with such a strong assurance of His faithfulness, goodness and heart during those times.

And now the keys are being handed back to the landlord and I’m happy to have the memories I do there. The bonfires, watching the fireflies light up the forest in the summers, bringing home two of our three girls, chasing chickens and laughing at the table with family. Some places just have a special spot in your heart, and this is definitely one of those. Because it was a house, that built me.