the unexpected stay

If you follow me on Instagram, than you already know the story that our AC went out for 12 days, during which time we stayed at my in-law’s.

Although we’re thankful for their hospitality, we had no idea when we packed up for just one night (on 6.28.20) that we would be there for over a week and a half.

There were some great random photos taken though that I’m excited to share with you today (from the comfort of my desk at my house with fixed AC πŸ˜‰ )

For starters, on our first day we helped Rick & Michelle get out of the rental property – the farm house. We spent hours there, and Rylie came across the hidden gems of Aaron’s childhood photos that were displayed at his High School graduation. She enjoyed pointing out the family members she knew and asked repeatedly who all the other random friends were πŸ˜›

Dinner at Mimi & Papa’s also included a lot of Little House on the Prairie (a show we all enjoy watching together).

Paisley also enjoyed her first spaghetti dinner, which was a huge hit!

We all know that Bunny has a near and dear place in Emmaline’s heart. Well, she’s added a new “must have” to her daily life, and it’s so “Emmaline.”

Her purse and all it’s contents (including but not limited to her cell phone, sunglasses and debit card) must accompany her at all times, including bedtime and car rides πŸ˜›

After the keys had been handed over at the farm, Michelle, the girls and I celebrated with our favorite donuts!

Quiet time was more of a family affair with Mimi. All three of them laid down together a few days and passed out immediately.

Emmaline loved watching Rick & Aaron prep for the fireworks on the 4th of July from her comfy spot on the back deck.

Oh, and let’s not forget the time they ran out of cereal (because we were all eating it every day) so we stopped by our house to restock πŸ˜› by the way, none of these boxes made it back to our house either hahahah

Rylie and Emmaline have a box of random toys that stay at Mimi’s house, and it was fun to watch their imagination take over.

And of course, we loved our Little House πŸ˜€

Throughout all of this, I was still sneaking in times to work.

Again, so thankful for family that was willing to take us in! Happy to be home and sleeping in our own beds.