the water fountain

Friday (9.21.18) I needed to run an errand with the girls, and as we were walking into the store, Rylie became very excited as she pointed out a water fountain across the street. I told her we needed to do our shopping first and then we could go see the fountain. Once we were done, I held her hand and we walked across the street so she could see the water fountain that caught her attention.


Guys, you would have thought it was Disney World with how excited she was. Pointing, ooo-ing, aww-ing, laughing, all of it.



I noticed there were some pennies at the bottom of the fountain, so I decided to grab however many pennies I could find out of my wallet – which totaled 8, and I lined them up on the edge and explained to Rylie that she could throw them into the fountain. She gladly did so and thought it was the best.


When she had thrown all of the pennies in at rapid fire speed, she immediately turned around and reached for my wallet saying, “more! More!” hahahah “no honey. No more. Mommy will go broke if she keeps handing you money.” 😝 It was such a sweet moment though and made my heart happy.


Rylie’s toddler-hood has been such a blast, and moments like this are so convicting to me to find wonder in the simplest things. How often have I passed a water fountain and thought nothing of it? But stopping for just 10 minutes was the highlight of Rylie’s day, and honestly, was the highlight of mine.