themed days – week one

This has been our first week of Themed Days and I gotta say, I am loving them! I can tell Rylie & Emmaline are enjoying it too which makes it even more fun.

I’ve been sharing on social media what we’ve been doing every day, so if you’re not, make sure you’re following me on Instagram so you get daily inspiration. @sarahmshaver

Today I’ll be sharing a round-up of all the themes we did this past week + more details sharing how I pulled each one off without going to the store (hello quarantine life haha). Please know I utilized Pinterest a lot and if it wasn’t something we already owned, I printed it off.

Understandably, there are some things we already had that you might not and now want. To help you out, I’ve linked our Amazon items.

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Themed Day One (3.23.20) – RAIN 🌧

With a rainstorm on the radar, I decided we’d kick it off with a rain theme and my girls were big fans! 😄

We started off by opening the garage door to let some fresh air in. The girls saw that it was pouring rain and it didn’t take long for them to start walking around. They jumped in real puddles and spun in circles until they had skipped snack time and lunch time arrived.

Lunch was the basic PB&J, but I cut it out to look as much of a cloud as I could. I sliced some cheese and cut that into a circle as well, using the leftovers as the sun’s rays. Fruit snacks made for great raindrops and I put two on the cloud (sandwich) for eyes and a small bit of cheese for a smile.

While they ate, I read a couple books we had from the library about rain.

After quiet time, we played two games – Puddle Jump & Raindrop Toss.

For Puddle Jump I folded a blue plastic table cloth I had and cut it. I then place the puddles around our floor and told the girls they had to jump from puddle to puddle.

The second was Raindrop Toss. I opened an umbrella and turned it upside down and gave the girls a bowl full of baby teethers and told them they were raindrops. The objective was to toss them all into the umbrella. Aaron and I played timed version of this game (10-15 seconds and at various throwing distances) which was a fun spin to the game.

Theme Day Two (3.24.20) – ZOO 🦁🐼🐵

When Rylie asked to go to the zoo a couple days prior to this, I knew it would be a great theme.
Instead of going to the real zoo, we set up a zoo a few days ago. Rylie did a great job separating the animals and we used our pot holders for their dinner trays.

We ate mac’n’cheese, nuts, gold fish crackers & fruit for dinner with ZooTopia before bed. Not a bad day!

Theme Day Three (3.25.20) – Seattle 💙

Rylie has been asking questions about our hometown, so I decided to dedicate a whole day to it. We enjoyed decorating with some of our WA gear like our 12th Man Flag and Seahawks scarf.

The girls and I soaked up the gorgeous morning by taking a walk. A classic Seattle activity since the weather up there is awesome!

We also cut some flowers from our yard to put on our table.

Since Seattle is on the water, salmon is a city favorite and you can easily find delicious, fresh fish for a reasonable price. We settled for frozen salmon from Aldi (which is actually very good and inexpensive) paired with rice.

To end the day, we all enjoyed mama’s virtual tour where I walked them through each activity. Their favorite part was flying in the airplane though.

To wrap it up, Aaron took them on a road trip to some of our favorite places in the Northwest. 🌲

Theme Day Four (3.26.20) – SPACE 🚀 

I totally took the Buzz Lightyear route on this one and it was a blast. I referred to the girls as “Space Ranger _____” and Rylie thought it was hilarious and loved calling me “Space Ranger Mama.” It probably helped that I ran out with my Buzz Lightyear ears, backpack and toy.

The girls got this spaceship tent as a Christmas gift from their Grandpa and it has been a hit from day one. My girls play in it multiple times a day so it was a “no duh!” grab for this theme!

For dinner we made pizzas. Based on the classic Pizza Planet in Toy Story. Seriously, how is that not a real place!?

Of course, Emmaline parked herself right by the 5lb cheese bag and helped herself. Lucky her, she got a couple more handfuls while we were snapping pictures before we cut her off. hahaha.

I was feeding Paisley her bottle when the pizzas came out of the oven. But Aaron knows me well and he grabbed my camera and took some pictures. My heart! <3

While we ate dinner, we learned from the best Space Ranger out there – Buzz Lightyear. It was the girls first time watching his solo movie and Aaron and I enjoyed the throwback to our own childhood. Not sure why it’s not on Disney+ but it really should be. Especially the TV show.

Space Day was a fun day!

Theme Day Five (3.27.20) – CAMPING 🏕 

To kick it off, we grabbed our camping snacks (pretzels, nuts, raisins and cut up marshmallows) and went in our backyard for some fresh air.

Our craft was painting fireflies into a mason jar printable I found on Pinterest. I used a little paint brush and dotted the page with orange and yellow. I think it looks adorable.

The girls’ pages were a little more chaotic, so you get to see mine 😛

To finish out the day, we snuggled in our tent with our fav Wilderness Explorer, Russel in the movie UP! 🎈

“The Wilderness must be explored! KAW-KAW-RAWR!!!!”

Theme Day Six – WESTERN 🤠 

Slightly piggy-backed off our camping theme, we broke out our bandannas and enjoyed some fun shaped food for lunch.

Our craft was a sherif’s badge. Guess we have two new sherifs in town…

Playing off of one of our favorite cowboy’s sayings, “there’s a snake in my boot!” meant sour gummy worms for snack time.

After dinner, we had s’mores for dessert 🍫

I’d be fibbing if I didn’t say it was a highlight of my own day haha. I stuck it in the microwave for a few seconds (until it started getting big) and then put it on my graham crackers and chocolate.

We finished the night with a VeggieTales Western spin on Joseph. A Insta-follower recommended it to me and thankfully we had Yippee so we could watch it 😀

As a special treat, we also watched our fav cowboy – Woody & let the girls sleep in the tent under the stars in the living room.

Side Note: this star projector night light is one of the coolest things and the girls absolutely love it! It’s really affordable and totally worth it.

Theme Day Seven – Dinosaurs 🦕 

We spent all morning outside, which was wonderful! The weather was perfect and I figured Dinos lived outside, so this was perfect haha

For out craft, I painted the girls’ hands and had them press it on a piece of paper. They thought it was hilarious and super fun so each of them made two.

I got the idea from a fellow blogger, so I was showing Rylie what the finished product would look like. She asked to see it again when I asked her to chose her paint color and used it as a reference haha.

After dinner, watched Jurassic World.

As we were laying the girls down for bed, Rylie immediately began to pretend she was a dinosaur. It ended up being a wrestling match between her, Emmaline and Aaron who happily got in on the fun. The girls definitely will be talking about this theme for days to come.

Which of these themes was your favorite?