this is life right now, and that’s okay

By the end of July, I was looking at my August & September calendar and was already tired. I was entering into a busy season that was going consume my weekends for about 6 weeks.

  1. 21 Days of Prayer
  2. Trip to Seattle
  3. Amberyln’s Bachelorrette Party
  4. Amberlyn & Kendyl’s Shower (on the same Saturday)
  5. ReCreate Women’s Conference
  6. Amberyln’s Wedding
  7. Kendyl’s Bachelorette Trip
  8. Pumpkin Patch
  9. Kendyl’s Wedding

Before kids, I could easily keep up with a busy schedule and feel fine, but with two children and a retrained mind, it’s just not healthy for me to always be out of the house.

I loved what I was busy with, but it was hard to miss so many days with my family. It also left a lot of household chores unattended. I cannot even count the loads of laundry that were clean but overflowing in our laundry baskets. Our kitchen? Occasionally the sink was empty but not for long. And don’t even get me started on Rylie’s room, which at this moment, is a mix of toys, toys we need to get rid of, clean clothes in a laundry basket waiting to be hung up, dirty clothes on the floor, and clothes that Emmaline has outgrown that are waiting to be put in storage.


I cannot tell you how many times we had people coming over to our house mid-week and after some light tidying up, I would shrug my shoulders and say, “we live here. It’s fine.” Haha but honestly, that has brought me so much peace. This is life right now, and that’s okay. Life right now looks like unfolded laundry, a sink with dishes in it, unfinished projects.

So if you are in a busy season right now, I’d like to encourage you. “Seasons” are for a time, not forever. There are times when we can control our calendar and say “no,” even if they are good opportunities, but there are also times when by saying one “yes,” you’ve said “yes” to busyness (like I did with being in two weddings within 3 weeks of each other haha). It can be overwhelming, but know that God’s grace is fully accessible to you – accept it. Treasure it. And thank Him for it.


I loved all that I got to do these past 2 months, but I am thankful that that season has passed and I can now fully embrace a new season – a season of holiday fun and family. 😃 <3


What season are you in right now? I’d love to hear what’s going on in your life!