week 2 with spencer

We just wrapped up our second week with Spencer and it was full.

Tuesday (6.1.21) he turned one week old and my mom and I went out to get a pedicure which Little Man joined us on. He did a great job and was asleep the whole time.

Wednesday (6.2.21), after breakfast we all helped out with Spencer’s newborn pictures. I’m still obsessed with how they turned out – he’s so stinking cute!

Rylie popped in at the end of Spencer’s shoot and had a little session of her own ;P

Afterwards we did a lesson in Rylie’s school book and Emmaline joined in.

Thursday (6.3.21) my mom was leaving after a two-week visit so our morning was spent helping her pack up. We also snuck in another school lesson with Rylie.

Afterwards, we headed out for lunch out before saying “see you later.”

That night, Spencer had a come apart and Aaron soothed him to sleep. It was adorable!

Saturday morning (6.5.21) started off with a quiet house because all three girls spent the night at my in-laws, so Spencer and I took our time getting ready.

Then I picked up Rylie and her, me and Spencer went to martial arts. It was Spencer’s first time there and Rylie was so excited to show off her brother to her martial arts friends.

That afternoon, we took a walk outside to watch Rick (my father-in-law) work on the property with an excavator. It was also my first time putting Spencer in the carrier which Rylie thought it was so cool.

Rylie hopped on and did some work for a few minutes too.

Sunday (6.6.21) Aaron, Spencer and I had another slow morning because the girls stayed another night at Mimi & Papa’s. It was nice to go back to sleep after feeding Spencer + take a shower before getting ready for church.

That afternoon we went down to the pond to enjoy the scenery before the evening rain hit.

Monday (6.7.21) was a chill, family day at home. We reorganized the Living Room, snuggled on the couch and watched a movie before going to bed.

2 Replies to “week 2 with spencer”

  1. […] started documenting parts of June with Spencer’s weekly updates (see week 1, week 2 and week 3), so I thought I’d round off the month – sharing some of the photos I took […]

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