week five of “family month”

Week 5 of “family month” (or quarantine) is checked off. Although there are rumors of certain things re-opening, I am just living each day as I have the last few weeks. “I’ll believe it when I see it” is kinda my mindset.

In the meantime, I feel like I’m creating a really good, solid routine for our family. I started working on our Covid-19 Time Capsule (there’s a printable floating around but I’m creating a video so we have a digital version) and I asked Rylie what she misses about being out and she immediately said “FRIENDS!” ha my social butterfly will be so excited to see her friends face-to-face again when this is over.

Emmaline has dominated potty training and I feel I can confidently say she is potty trained (at home anyway haha). She still doesn’t like to go on big toilets so, similar to last summer, my fourth child is the kiddy-potty-chair.

Paisley struggled this week with being extra fussy (so not like her), clingy, easily tired and bottom troubles. I’m chalking all this up to teething, however, we still have no teeth to show for it. *face palm*

Aaron has been gone a lot due to work but I’m trying to not complain. Busy is good and right now it seems like whatever they touch turns to gold so I’m trying to do my job well at home so he can do his job well outside of the house.

This week was good for me. I’ve been enjoying our new schedule and I’ve done a lot of thinking regarding what I want our post-Covid-19 life to look like. I’ll admit that occasionally I find anxiety creep into my mind but I’ve found that playing my worship playlist immediately switches my perspective and bring me peace + joy.

For those who are still invested in our theme life, our theme for the week was FARM.

Disclaimer: I've linked a few of the items we've been using lately that we absolutely LOVE! As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Please read my disclaimer page for more information.

Day 29

Monday was a slow day for our fam. Aaron’s workday didn’t start until later in the day so we enjoyed some outdoor time together. We opened Rylie’s Easter gift from last year (that’s right, it took us a whole year to get it out 😛 ) and Aaron taught her how to hold the bat and hit the ball.

Her fist hit was more of a wack which was hilarious but she eventually got the hang of it. Emmaline was way more interested in fetching the ball and bringing it back to her big sis, so the team worked well.

You can snag your own set like Rylie’s here.

Later that day, Aaron came home with his work truck and the girls helped him wash it, clear out the trash and vacuum.

Day 30

Tuesday we kicked off school for the week. We dove into the letter B and Rylie wrote it out a few times too.

I’ve been trying to take-in how she learns best, and even though it’s way too early to call, so far I’m noticing her interest in learning is high but her stamina is low. It’s easy to think she’s not paying attention but I’m determined to find the best learning style to suit her so she can excel throughout her education.

After quiet time, we did Cosmic Kids Yoga outside. It’s on YouTube and the gal who leads it does a cute story for littles with yoga poses throughout. I do it with the girls and it’s awesome! I might consider it a workout 😜 Rylie really enjoys it so it’s been a fun way for us to move our bodies.

Day 31

Wednesday we wrapped up learning the letter B and Rylie did some more writing.

We spent all afternoon outside, including dinner. To end the night, Aaron built a bonfire and we enjoyed some s’mores 🙂

Day 32

Thursday morning, Aaron greeted us by inviting us to work with him. It was an easy “yes!” and I packed up some snacks and books before we headed out the door to enjoy our day.

The girls and I got home around 3 pm (quiet time did not happen and it was evident…) and had a nice late-afternoon outside before Aaron came home from his work meeting and joined us for dinner.

Day 33

Friday started out with a giggle when Emmaline ran out of her room and before even saying “good morning” she was yelling “auk! AUK!” (which means “walk”) as she ran to the shoe bin where she grabbed her shoes and thrusted them at me while sitting down awaiting them to be placed on her feet. “Don’t you want breakfast first?” I asked. She shook her head violently and said, “no. AUK!” Rylie quickly said she’d like to go outside as well so I got them dressed and out the door before 8 am to get some early sunshine.

We came back inside and enjoyed breakfast followed by our farm themed craft – painting a pig like it was muddy.

Emmaline soon joined in on the fun and we finished the audio book we’ve been working on all week.

For learning time, we started on the letter C and Rylie practiced writing it out in her Wipe-Clean book.

We also baked banana bread muffins – a favorite for these little ladies.

They love doing all the things in the kitchen and baking is an easy way for me to include them. They took turns dumping measurements and counting the ingredients with me.

After quiet time, I tried a new thing and we had tea time. I served the girls a snack (which included their banana muffins) and juice while I read them a couple books. They loved this style and it’s been a fun twist on our normal afternoon snack.

Of course we had some stuffed visitors who received their own cups of tea as well.

The weather was too nice to not go outside again, so after another Cosmic Kids Yoga story (farm themed), I asked the girls if they wanted to go on an adventure. An eager nod came from both of them and I grabbed each little lady a backpack and a little notebook along with a pen, encouraging them to take notes and draw anything they saw that was interesting.

Emmaline was more fascinated by the sticks on the ground and gave me several in addition to occasionally taking out her notebook and pointing at what she wanted me to write (mainly “stick”).

Rylie, on the other hand, could not get enough of this “adventure” idea and frantically took notes and drawings until she was asked to stop for dinner.

After she scarfed down her plate, she asked if she could go back outside on her adventure and we couldn’t help but say “yes.” She happily stayed out there for another hour before being forced to come inside to wind down for bed.

Day 34

Saturday was a normal day for us as it is one of Aaron’s busiest work days. We did school (focusing on pen control and exploring more of the letter C) along with a little video interview that I’m excited to share with you all shortly.

I did some planning of what I want life to look like after this Covid season, and I’m excited to explore this more as the days go on.

Finally, we took a little walk after our afternoon quiet time and I had to snap a photo of us girls wearing our shades. Now to get Paisley a pair… 😛

Day 35

Sunday was our family’s chill day and boy did we take advantage of it. It was a thunderstorm/rainy, overall gloomy day in Alabama which gave a very low-key, sweatpants day vibe that we all fully embraced. I finished my third book for the month, concluding a series I started in March, and planned our dinners for the next two weeks to finalize a grocery list.

How was your fifth week at home?

What have you been loving that is free?

2 Replies to “week five of “family month””

  1. You are nailing the mom game, Sarah! This is wonderful 😍

    I’m loving the workouts are free! Since I’ve been home, I’ve been working out every day, and I’m feeling so much better.

    1. sarahmshaver says:

      You’re sweet Jamie – thank you! <3
      For real though - moving my body every day has been huge for me. I'm so thankful for YouTube haha

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