week seven of “family month”

Week 7 of โ€œfamily monthโ€ (or quarantine) is checked off.

How was your week? More of the same? The end of the week was slightly different for us – we rode in the truck while Aaron made some deliveries for work and we spent a couple afternoons at my in-law’s house. It was nice to shake up our scenery but I quickly found myself falling behind on my to-do list.

When quarantine began, I really didn’t plan on taking weekly photos of me + the girls but my brother-in-law mentioned how funny he thought it would if I took a picture with beans on my face and crazy hair surrounded by chaos. And the weekly photos were born with the sole intention of capturing this one right here. ๐Ÿ˜›

As quarantine is wrapping up for our family (I see the light at the end of the tunnel!), my main goal this week is to determine what needs to stay in our lives and what needs to go. We’ll be easing our way in of course, but I’m excited to for the gradual reentrance into society.

For those who are still invested in our theme life, our theme schedule has shifted. I focus on two alphabet letters a week with Rylie to help her memorize them. I’ve also chosen a theme to go with each letter which has been a lot of fun!

This week we wrapped up EARTH for E, did FOOD for F and began GARDEN for G.

Day 43

Monday was kicked off with a workout, which felt so good after a relaxing Sunday.

Afterwards, a dear friend of mine surprised me with my one and only coffee drink on my porch. It was such a delicious treat!

To keep our day moving, we wrapped up our letter E and painted Earths on a small paper plate.

The rest of the day was filled with our small group Zoom meeting, playing and some chores.

Day 44

Tuesday kicked off with a short 10-minute workout before we started a new theme – FOOD for the letter F.

Rylie did a phenomenal job writing this letter and we talked about a variety of foods from her Usborne “My First Words – Food” book.

A mix of playing and more housework commenced but we were ecstatic to find a package we (okay, I) had been anxiously awaiting finally arrive on our doorstep.

Yup – I jumped in. I have been watching a handful of accounts promoting Young Living and I finally decided it was something I wanted in our home. I’m not planning on promoting it as a business but am happy to talk about why I chose to buy the starter kit.

The girls loved opening it with me and even the packaging smelled good ๐Ÿ˜›

Day 45

Wednesday morning, after my 30-minute workout, I got a call from our pediatrician to schedule Paisley’s next appointment. When I asked about Emmaline’s 2-year check-up, they said they could get her in that day. They still have strict rules (only one parent + the patient can come. No siblings.) so I took advantage of Aaron being home and jetted to her appointment. I was asked to wear a mask in the clinic and I gotta say, masks on people are not Emmaline’s preference. She screamed crying any time someone came into the room ๐Ÿ™ I made a point to pull mine down when no one was there and she enjoyed the peak-a-boo games we played.

Overall, she is healthy and growing perfectly!

We spent less than an hour putting the final touches on the master bath, and I can happily say it is done (for now)! We have some things we’d still like to do before listing the house for sale (whenever that would be), but we are very happy with it until then ๐Ÿ˜€

I’ll do a whole blogpost dedicated to this renovation soon.

Aaron and I snagged a double-date with Amberlyn and Ryan (Aaron’s sis + her hubs) while Michelle (my mother-in-law) watched the girls.

Day 46

Thursday began with another 10-minute workout and then I got the girls set up with this fun food group lesson. It created great conversation and learning opportunities so I’m super thankful for this free resource!

I also let Rylie make her own PB&J sandwich (with some assistance of course), but I love that she’s wanting to be more independent in this area.

Later that afternoon, Aaron had to drop off a car part to a mechanic and offered we could join. My mother-in-law kept Paisley while we took the big girls on a 1 1/2 drive (one way). Of course, 20-minutes from home they passed out haha.

Day 47

Friday launched the letter G for us which gave us the GARDEN theme.

Friday we got to tag along with Aaron for a few hours while we made some work deliveries. The girls love “working like Daddy” (a.k.a eating chips ๐Ÿ˜› ).

The remainder of the day was spent cleaning their carseats (I’m talking taking them a part, washing and reassembling) while the girls and I watched Little House on the Praire (my current show).

I also realized this was my one year anniversary of being a stay-at-home-mom! ๐Ÿ˜€

Day 48

Saturday began with a trip to the strawberry patch. Amberlyn and Michelle came with us which made for a fun girls date.

I’ll share more pictures later this week, because it was a blast!

Later that afternoon I snagged this cutie enjoying her baby food. She’s really taken to it and can eat a whole container in one sitting.

Day 49

Sunday we decided to spend the day at the lake. Once the girls were up, we ate and loaded everyone and everything into the van to head out to claim our spot.

It was the most relaxed I’ve ever been at the lake!

Similar to the strawberry patch, I’m going to create a separate post for this one.

We ended the day with baths for all and Paisley crashed earlier than usual but still slept all night. Girl was exhausted haha.

How was your seventh week at home?