week three of “family month”

Week 3 of “family month” (or quarantine) is checked off. Honestly, I thought it would be over by now. But Alabama was informed over the weekend that this is our reality until around April 30th. So how does “family two months” sound!?

Thankfully, my girls are young enough where life has only changed slightly vs. drastically. We spent the majority of the day at home with an outing usually once a day or at least every other day minimum. Rylie, my social-butterfly, asked more often if friends were coming over to play, but she didn’t linger on the negative response long. I’m thankful for Rylie and Emmaline’s deep friendship and as Paisley gets bigger the girls have enjoyed her more interactive side and include her in what they can (mainly playing Doctor, reading and playing with baby toys with their baby sister.

Aaron’s hours at work got cut even more, but Rick (Aaron’s dad) and Aaron launched a business and it has taken off. Their phones are blowing up! We are truly blessed by this and are taking next steps to further its excellence.

I have occasionally hit a pothole when it came to my theme days, but was fueled by my girls and comments from my friends (especially those who would share photos of their own family doing a theme). But by Saturday (4.4.20) I had concluded my final planned theme. Although I received lots of great ideas, leaving me with 20+ ideas, I decided to take Sunday off and refuel. Well, after some thinking and talking with Aaron, I’ve decided to switch from “Themed Days” to “Themed Weeks.” This will allow for me to be more intentional, less crazed (even though I enjoyed it) and give me some opportunities to focus on some other things I feel God has been putting a finger on in my heart. I’m excited and think it’ll be a good transition.

Day 15

Mondays used to be my small group day. I’m happy to say I think this Covid season has actually brought us closer together and we talk almost every day via GroupMe + Marco Polo. But in honor of our normal gathering time, we Zoom to have live interaction. I cannot say enough good things about these ladies (and the ones who weren’t able to make the Zoom call). These are my people!

The couple that bought our first house welcomed their first baby into the world and I felt led to make them a dinner. I put something together during quiet time and when the girls got up we loaded up into the car and drove to our old house. Rylie expressed desperately how badly she wanted to see, hug and kiss the baby, but I told her the baby was too little and we’d be back another day.

Day 16

Tuesday was Ocean themed and it was probably one of my top 3 themes. It was so fun and girls really got into it.

Day 17

My favorite part about Wednesday was introducing the girls to chalk. A friend dropped a little bundle off and the girls have used it literally every day since. Rylie loves to lay down and let me outline her (smiley face and all). She insisted on outlining me a couple times and I’m basically a ginormous blob hahaha

Day 18

I knew Rylie would be slightly jealous of all the attention Emmaline would receive on her birthday Friday (I feel like that’s just a normal kid thing), so on Thursday I chose to make the theme one of Rylie’s absolute favorite things – SPIDER-MAN! It was a spidy-fun day and Emmaline really got into it too.

Day 19

Friday was Emmaline’s 2nd Birthday, and it was bittersweet. I was excited for the big birthday plans I had for her before Covid-19 started and was bummed we couldn’t do those things anymore – but we made the best of it and celebrated her with all her favorite things. Including a walk, girly things and watching her favorite movie (Zootopia) while eating her favorite treat (coo-corn || aka. popcorn 😉 )

Day 20

Aaron was gone working the biz all day Saturday. Literally. From 6am – 10:30pm. But the girls and I enjoyed a Bunny themed day and a good long walk outside.

Day 21

Sunday Aaron was off and we enjoyed a much needed rest day as a family. I was inspired by a friend of mine to get dressed for church.

Fun Fact: I own ONE. Apparently all my dresses are maternity dresses haha sooo I totally got into my maternity clothes bin and pulled out the dresses I knew I could pull-off as a not pregnant dress – the one pictured being one of them 😛


How was your third week at home?

How late has your state said the “stay-at-home” order will last? 

What have you chosen to do with this new ample amount of time you’ve been given?