weekend recap #11

It’s been a while since I’ve done a “weekend recap,” but this weekend was jammed packed, so I thought I’d share what Aaron and I got to do.

SATURDAY morning I woke up and got some doughnuts from WalMart – partly because I was craving one, but also because I had a maternity session with a friend of mine who used to work with me at Starbucks (back when I worked there! That was almost a year ago! Crazy.).


It was great reconnecting with her and sharing our experience with our pregnancies even though she’s a couple months ahead of me. We even got a bump picture together afterwards, which was so sweet!


After the shoot, Aaron and I headed off to a celebrate our friend’s 1 year old’s birthday! Her party was lady-bugged themed which was so cute. We loved celebrating with her.


SUNDAY we went to church and heard a phenomenal message about how we can be a servant to the people around us. You can watch the message HERE if you’d like. Then we came home for some lunch and we got ready for Addy’s 1 year old session.

The photo shoot went great. She was a little tired from the full day she had had on Saturday but we got some smiles out of her and the photos look great! I cannot wait to share them.


Immediately after we went to our Sunday night small group where we ate dinner, talked about ways to serve the community (talk about a perfect bookend to the message Aaron & I heard that morning), and celebrated two of our friend’s birthdays.


After a slice of cake (maybe I had a slice and a half…. πŸ˜‰ ), Aaron and I headed home to go to bed because I had to get up early this morning for Summer Blast at Church of the Highlands.


Speaking of which, I need to scoot. I hope you have a great Monday! πŸ™‚