weekend recap #9

FRIDAY was my birthday! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€

So I woke up a little early and spent the whole day celebrating with Aaron. I’ll write a post with more details soon πŸ˜‰


SATURDAY I had a session + a Viewing & Ordering appointment. The session was with two best friends, & we had a blast. They are such sweet girls & I had a great time with them. They took this picture & sent it to me. I about died πŸ˜‰


That night, I went out with Amanda for dinner. We went to a favorite Mexican restaurant.


If you ever go there, get #46. It’s amazing!!!!


We spent the rest of the evening hanging out at the mall before we went home.

SUNDAY started off with church (of course), and then we just had a nice chill day. Towards the evening, I wanted to go on a walk so we took a stroll through our property.


Of course, we had the Shaver zoo following us – Alex (Rick + Michelle’s dog), Lacota (MeeMaw’s dog), MoMo (Amberlyn’s cat) & Katara (our cat).


It was the perfect weather & I really enjoyed getting to explore a bit with my man! <3


Overall, our weekend was pretty good. It was a good mix of doing stuff & chilling. My kind of weekend! πŸ˜‰
