we’re in the four-eyes club

I had suddenly noticed little changes to my vision in the last couple months – I got migraines occasionally (extremely rare for me), distance seemed blurry sometimes, things would go in and out of focus at times and my eyes often felt tired like they had been straining for a long time.

Since my last eye doctor appointment was in 2012, I decided it was time. When I mentioned it to Aaron, he asked me to make him an appointment as well because he had noticed some troubles with his vision as well. I found a local eye doctor and made an appointment.

A couple weeks later, we packed up the kids and went to our appointment. Aaron went first, so I messed around with the glasses display and then took the kids outside.

Aaron called me saying, “hey. do you want to come back in and help me pick out some frames?” I gasped “YOU NEED GLASSES!?!?!”

When we walked in, Rylie said, “Daddy! Can you not see?” with such concern. “Oh no, honey. I can see. I’m just almost 30.” which had the whole waiting room laughing.

I pointed out a couple I thought would look good on him when my name was called. I went back and shared my concerns, chatted with the doctor and she checked me out. She was having a hard time dialing my needs in, so she dilated me. While I waited for it to work, I went back out to the waiting room and helped Aaron make his final selection. The dilation slowly relaxed my eye muscles and things quickly became blurry. After about 10/15 minutes, I went back to the exam room and it was much easier for the doctor to settle what I needed.

She said my troubles were actually because my eyes we working super hard to see things up close, so it wasn’t concerned that my distant images were blurry because it just wanted me to see close up. I was prescribed reading glasses and told to use them whenever I read, was on the computer, doing paperwork, basically anything within an arms reach.

Still incredibly blurry, I had to pick out glasses. Thankfully, Aaron helped me out and I blame my indecisiveness on my inability to see clearly. Of course, the pair I kinda wanted (in the picture above) Aaron said “no!” to because they made me look super old. 🙁 drat.

We finally settled on a pair and I went out to the car to rest my eyes while he buttoned things up in the office. I took a nap as soon as we got home (because my eyes were desiring rest) and my vision felt better when I woke up, but I was sensitive to light and my eyes were aching the rest of the day.

The following days were funny in the sense that now that we knew we needed glasses, Aaron and I would point out issues we had ignored and occasionally mentioned we were looking forward to when our glasses came in.

On Wednesday (7.27.22), I got a call that our glasses had come in and I booked it to the office. I tried them on, shocked at how clear things were up close and how trippy things looked far away. They told me if we had any trouble to let them know.

When I got home and handed Aaron his pair, we put them on at the same time and commented at what we were seeing. It took Aaron quite a few minutes and many, many comments like “well let me try to look at this item from over here” before he decided they were helpful.

So here we are – we made it to 28 years old (Aaron is almost 29) and I feel proud about that. It’ll be a learning curve, but we’re excited for the relief it’ll bring.