we’ve lived here for one year (& we’re not moving!)

Aaron & I cannot believe we’ve lived on our 36-acre property for one whole year. In a way it feels like we’ve lived here longer and in another, it feels like we just signed the papers.

Backstory – we have moved every time we’ve lived in our house for one year –

First housewe listed our house one month after we had lived there for a year.

Second housewe listed our house a couple weeks shy of us living there for a year.

Third house (our current place) – celebrating a year with NO PLANS of ever leaving!

It’s been refreshing to celebrate our one year anniversary of living here and not be planning to move again.

Our home has been such a blessing to us and the countless others who have stepped foot here on our property. I never want to loose the wonder this place is.

We talk a lot about how this place was birthed from years of sacrifice, and I’ll make a point to share that story more in depth soon. But for now, I’ll give you the quote that got us through the hard seasons –

“If you will live like no one else, later, you can live like no one else.” -Dave Ramsey

And for years, that’s exactly what we did. We went against the norm and the expected. We endured countless comments that we were being dumb, unwise, immature and unbiblical (none of which were true by the way). We made choices that left others confused and worried. BUT we always had a plan. We were willing to live like no one else for a few years so that we could live like no one else for the long haul. And it was worth it!

This property is our constant reminder that God is good and faithful.

So to celebrate our one year anniversary of living here, I put together all the footage I captured throughout the week we moved. It’s a throwback to a 4-year-old Rylie, 2-year-old Emmaline, 1-year-old Paisley an early-20weeks pregnant mama with baby Spencer.

One Reply to “we’ve lived here for one year (& we’re not moving!)”

  1. […] We celebrated one year of living on the property and it was so special. […]

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