we’ve moved

hey hey!

First of all, I’ll admit I’ve been quiet here on the blog. I think by the title of this post you understand why *insert exhausted face* haha

Before I spam your week with moving blog posts, I wanted to make the formal announcement that our crew has moved.

We aren’t too far, just two towns south of where we were but man, will life look very different.

I am so excited to publicly share our journey. In true Shaver Crew fashion, it was full of adventure and reliance on the Lord.

Check back for the backstory, new house info + more 😉

2 Replies to “we’ve moved”

  1. […] We’ve lived in this wonderful home for a year, and now here I am writing a post explaining that we are moving / we’ve moved. […]

  2. […] 23 was moving week and week 24 has been “getting settled” week so these bump updates have been combined […]

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