why homeschooling was always our plan

Homeschooling is a topic that has been talked about a lot more lately, and I’m really glad about it. I know homeschooling in general has mixed opinions and I’ve found a lot of people don’t know much about it and actually have lots of questions (and lots of assumptions).

I wanted to share why homeschooling was always our family’s plan.

I was actually homeschooled my entire schooling career. I remember growing up (in middle and high school especially) and hearing how surprised people were by how normal and bubbly I was. I didn’t fit their idea of a homeschooler. Even when I met Aaron two days after I graduated High School, he had no idea (for months) that I had been homeschooled. When he did find out, he was really surprised because I was the opposite of every homeschooler he knew.

I actually loved being homeschooled and had a desire to homeschool my own kids before I even met Aaron. So when the topic of our children’s education came up, Aaron told me it was a desire of his that we homeschooled. Obviously, I was on board.

Because I was homeschooled, that gives me a unique perspective of what I think worked really well and what didn’t. I’ve also really enjoyed following a few accounts on Instagram which has brought me more knowledge of other methods, inspiration and curriculum recommendations.

Why Are You Homeschooling?

To be completely candid, we don’t trust the public school system and what they are required to teach. I know homeschooling is not for everyone, and that’s okay. I just hope if you do intend on putting your children through public school, you devote a lot of time to paying attention to what they’re learning and have conversations (however tough) regarding what they’ve been taught.

But Don’t You Want a Break From Your Kids?

Honestly, no. I love my kids and I love being with them. I’m honored to have this job and want to be a part of every aspect of their life.

Now please hear me when I say there are rhythms our family has that helps me not get burned out – like date nights with Aaron & solo time at least once a month.

What Curriculum Are You Using?

We’re using The Good & The Beautiful. It’s a Christian curriculum that was highly recommended to me by a good friend that I really admire. After comparing it to a few other curriculums I was looking at, I selected this one and I’m so happy.

I love that there is no prep work on my end, I can just open the book, read the bit that pertains to me, and go from there. I also loved the quality of the content, physical layout + gorgeous illustrations AND the affordability! I also really liked what I saw it offers for older grades so I think it will suit our family well.

At the end of the day, I hope you are fully informed about all your educational options and choose the best one that fits your family’s style, convictions & preference.


I’m very much learning as I go, but I am so excited to be launching this new aspect of our family! If you want to follow along, you can follow me on Instagram – @sarahmshaver

Other posts about homeschooling:

Rylie’s First Day of Preschool

Shaver Crew School