why we decided on cloth diapering

Before we got pregnant, I had heard that people still did cloth diapering, but I imagined it to be like the “old days” where you used material similar to a wash cloth and safety-pins, and that didn’t interest me at all. But then a friend of mine told me she was going to do cloth diapering and showed me her cover. I was blown away by how simple it looked (compared to the “old school way” I thought was still a thing) and decided it might not be as difficult as I thought for my future kids.


Fast forward a year to when I found out I was pregnant and I brought up the idea to Aaron. We were early in the pregnancy, so we decided it wasn’t important and we’d just stick with disposable – but I couldn’t shake the idea. So a couple months ago, I did some research and shared what I found with Aaron. It didn’t take long for him to agree that cloth diapers would be the better way to go (for us), so that’s what we’re doing for our little Rylie.


Q: Why did we decide on cloth diapering?

A: Because of the amount of money we’ll save.

According to Google, “A typical family can spend between $2,000 and $3,000 per baby for two years on disposable diapers while cloth diapers and accessories run about $800.”

We are BIG on saving money where we can, and I knew that diapers were going to be an expense. Even though cloth diapers cost a bit upfront, I’ve been bargain shopping and my collection is slowly, but continually growing.

I also shared on Facebook a few weeks ago that we’d be doing cloth diapers and got a wave of ladies who were so supportive saying they had done it for their kids and absolutely LOVED IT! This was a huge encouragement to me and I’m thankful to have a group of gals who are willing to answer any questions I have and/or give me tips.


Cloth diapering is definitely something I’m going to have to learn more and more about, but I am confident that I’ll pick it up fast. I’ve read and heard so many good things about it and I am excited to begin this journey! 🙂