work + play

Last week, Aaron bought me something I’ve been wanting for a while… a Polaroid camera! πŸ˜€


I’m absolutely, 100%, without a doubt in love with it! I wrote the full story in my postΒ polaroid love. Check it out πŸ˜‰

SATURDAY was Halloween, but since Aaron had to work, we weren’t able to attend any of the parties we had been invited to. However, Aaron was able to dress up at Starbucks, so he chose to be Burt Macklin, FBI (from the TV show Parks & Recreation).


Apparently, his coworkers LOVED it! πŸ™‚

MONDAY I decided to offer a deal to SMS clients – Holiday Mini Sessions! I’ve been posting it on pretty much every outlet that I have and I’m hoping to be able to book some shoots. Make sure you tell your friends πŸ˜› haha


TUESDAY was date night. We were planning on going to Chipotle but then we heard they’ve been having some salmonella issues and we weren’t about to risk it, so we decided to try something new. MOE’S. I call it “a mix between Chipotle & Taco Time” (but nothing can ever replace Taco Time for me… I love that place!)


Overall, I thought it was pretty good. I wouldn’t mind going again sometime.

WEDNESDAY consisted of a lot of computer work. Photography stuff + prepping blog posts.Thank goodness for Starbucks, am I right!? πŸ˜‰


Last night, I came home from work to find out that Aaron had some big news to share with me. *insert drum roll* HE GOT PROMOTED AT STARBUCKS! πŸ˜€ He’s going from being a barista to a shift manager! I could not be more excited for him & he’s ecstatic as well! We saw the opportunity to celebrate, so we did by going out to eat at another new restaurant – Firebirds.

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That’s pretty much all the “note-worthy” stuff that’s happened so far this week. I’ve been spending a lot of time + energy working on SMS Photography & growing that. I have a dream for that business and I’m going to reach it! πŸ™‚

Have a great rest of your day!