4-year blog-iversary

Happy 4-Year Blog-iversary,

The Shaver Crew! 😀

blog posts to date: 698
total views to date: 9,726


Blogging really wasn’t something I saw myself getting into. I didn’t feel interesting enough to have a blog that people actually read. But after plunging into the deep end back on August 18th of 2015 and launching “The Shaver Crew,” I have to admit it is one of the best things I have ever done for myself + has actually been a form of ministry that God has called me to right now – to share my family in this way.


Through personal thoughts, pregnancy, trips, mama chit-chat, holidays, work, what the Lord has been teaching me plus more, it has been so precious to me to have all our family’s major milestones documented on this platform.


So whether you’ve been checking in from the beginning or you just met me, THANK YOU for following my journey – I hope it has added value to your life and is a place of encouragement, joy and fun! 😀
