5 year blog-iversary

5 years!? Say WHAT!?!?!?!

I cannot believe it has been 5 years since I stepped out in boldness and claimed this little corner of the internet.

If you’ve been around a while, you know the blog got started because I was tired of calling everyone I knew back in Seattle (2 months after we had moved to Alabama) and telling them what was going on. “It’d be so much easier to have a blog.” I thought. So after denying this little dream of mine to blog for years, I finally made an account and started writing.

After 840 posts and 10s-of-thousands of views, this little corner of the internet has become my creative outlet and a place of ministry. A space for me to encourage, educate and empower everyone who stops by. And I love it! It has become such a precious and unique space for me.

So thanks guys. Thank you for reading and doing life with the Shaver Crew!

Happy 5 Year Blog-iversary!

Past years:

Year 1

skipped year 2 for some reason 😛

Year 3

Year 4