3 year blog-iversary


Happy 3 Year Blog-iversary,

The Shaver Crew! 😀


blog posts to date: 486
total views to date: 5,164


Since that summer day in 2015 when I decided to be brave and start blogging, the blog has changed & grown as I have. I’m not the same person I was when I lived in Seattle or when we first moved here to Alabama, and that’s okay. That’s healthy. That means God is working in my life. But I’ll admit it’s intriguing to look back at old blog posts and read what I wrote about and what my style was.

12 Chigago

During this last January’s 21 Days Of Prayer & Fasting, I was fervently asking God how I could be influential, and during my quiet time one day He replied, “your blog.” But it was quickly followed by “don’t worry about growing your following. Just keep writing.”


Yes, sometimes I do catch myself looking at my “stats” page that shows me how many people viewed a post and am slightly disappointed when I see only a few people, or sometimes none at all have read what I wrote. I’d be fibbing if I told you I have never thought about hanging up my blog and just creating a WordDoc to privately write my life down, but that would mean 2 things:

  1. I’d be disobeying what God asked of me. If I stop blogging, it is based on the belief that no one reads it or feeling like I should be more private, but He told me not to worry about either of those things. And I’m not called to be a private person. I’m called to encourage others with my life.
  2. When I think about hobbies that bring me joy, blogging is in my top 3. I love that I can create this way!


So I stay on and continue sharing – trusting that the Lord is using it and refusing to look at the “stats” tab that tells me how many views my blog got each day. Because ultimately, the devil just wants me to believe that I am not making a difference – that no one reads because no one cares. That I can’t make a difference. That my family can’t help another family. All of these statement are huge lies! I know that I have people in my life who care and people do read my blog. My vulnerability about my life makes a huge difference. I know that sharing our family rhythm and what’s important to us and why has helped other families. I think the devil knows that I can make an impact in this world, and he’s trying to keep me from it by putting fear and doubt in my mind.  Not today devil! But I’m a fighter, I am a conquer of those lies and ultimately, I am far more interested in what God says of me – and He has called me to this form of ministry right now – to share my family in this way.


So whether my  post gets 100s of reads or just 1 (thanks Mom 😝 hahaha), I love writing, knowing that I am fulfilling what God has asked of me. And it’s been so sweet to me to have all our family’s major milestones documented.


Thank you for following my journey – I hope it has brought you some smiles, laughs and even revelation.