being shaver kids || april 2019

April was a whirlwind. It started off in Illinois for Papa Freddie’s funeral and immediately went into Emmaline’s birthday and birthday party. From there we publicly announced our pregnancy and found out the gender. All in between the day-to-day and lots of discussions about our next steps as a family.


With so much going on, we have lots of videos from this month that we’re excited to share with you.


Rylie’s mind is a literal sponge at the moment and we’re trying to take advantage of it. It’s been a lot of fun to interact with her and her imagination is definitely developing into something amazing. The other day she said there was a tiger in the living room and we had to be very quiet to sneak up on him. 😀


Emmaline loves to walk but refuses to do it independently. We’re really working on her with this but she has progressed in so many other way mentally. She’s a smart little girl!


Enjoy April’s being Shaver kids video!