july 4th, 2019

Yes, you read the title correctly. I’m recapping our 4th of July over a month late 😛

The day started off with a delicious breakfast – our attempt of Hawaiian french toast, eggs with sausage and a patriotic fruit tray. It was delicious and extremely filling.


From there I thought it would be fun to bring the fun of camping indoors, and between Aaron and my creativity, we made a fun little campsite.


Colorful World: Forest || Animal Homes || That’s Not My Fox

Dinner included ribs, which allowed for lots of giggles as I sneaked a picture of Rylie happily chowing down on her piece. Watching a 2-year-old devour ribs unashamedly is truly a sight to see.


When the sun started going down, the boys brought our the fireworks. Rylie and Emmaline were big fans and talked about the show for days afterwards.


We attempted a family photo which was really the girls eyeing the sparklers to make sure they stayed a safe distance away from them haha


It didn’t take long for exhaustion to set into the kids but they pushed through the final fireworks before we headed inside for baths and bed.


It was a simple 4th, but enjoyable nonetheless.

What did you guys do for the 4th?

One Reply to “july 4th, 2019”

  1. […] month, I was re-inspired at the beginning of August and caught up on some blog posts, including the 4th of July, our bath time victory, and getting our new train table set up – all of which actually […]

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