the journey to purchasing our second home


We are signing the closing papers on our house today and Aaron and I are so excited! This house was literally presented to us after 11-months of prayer, searching and trusting God and we cannot be more thrilled to conclude 2019 this way.


Back in January, we unexpectedly felt that God wanted us to sell our house. So we did some searching and we found a double-wide manufactured house that we liked a lot. We put in an offer and within 48-hours it had been accepted. We made the announcement that our family was moving and began the process of packing and staging our house to be sold.

Twelve viewings produced three offers on our house, but the one we accepted still has me smiling. It was this couple’s first house (just like it had been ours) and they were young like we were. We were excited to pass the house off to a growing family!

Two weeks before we were supposed to close on both our new and old house, some problems arose with the new house and we ended up pulling out of the contract. We still felt we were supposed to sell and thankfully, we weren’t going to be homeless because Aaron’s folks offered their home to us until we found another place.

It’s been a long 9 months with some major life events (like having a baby!) and lots of big decisions.

We looked at 16 houses.

Made 4 offers.

Had 2 contracts

but ultimately we have 1 home.

Although the waiting season can be tough, I love looking back and seeing the process and noticing where God was working. Our new house is amazing and was worth the wait.

We are also extremely excited to make a house ours again! We are incredibly thankful to Rick & Michelle for opening up their home to us with an unknown exit date, but I think both families would say we like being together but we thrive differently in our separate houses.

When we stepped into all 16 houses, Aaron and I would not only take notes about the house (location, floor plan, stats like how many bedrooms and our overall attraction to the place) but we also asked “do we feel like our family will thrive here!?”

We didn’t want to settle. We didn’t want to get a house just to get one. We wanted it to fit our current life season, and this house definitely does that. It is in the smack middle of everything we do, close to our community, perfect for hosting, enough space for all of us + guests, has 90% of our wish list and is in a town that we’ve been wanting to live in since we moved to Alabama.

Aaron and I are long-game minded. Meaning we are willing to make sacrifices now in order to score big later. We do this with a lot of things, so it is no surprise that that was one of the things we reminded each other of when we had our moments of doubt. Not to mention the incredible amount of peace we felt about living there that we know was from the Lord.

Needless to say, we are very, very excited to begin making memories here! And we’re looking forward to bringing you along for the ride.