our daily schedule

I’m a loose schedule person. Sometimes I really like having the structure, and other times I love the freedom of having little to no plan haha.

Over the past few months I’ve gone back and forth, but we do have a couple solid schedule things in place (like quiet time and food).

But after four days of being at home with an unforeseeable exit date, I decided it might do all of us some good to have a little structure.

Like I said, this is a very loose schedule and I am not forcing myself to follow it to a T, but I like having the outline. I put it on our fridge so it’s easy to reference.

A Couple Notes:

My goal is to have a theme for the day (or at least one big-ish activity), and “activity with Mom” is when we’d execute that.

I can easily waste the whole quiet time on things that do not add any value or rest to my life. So having a list of some options helps me a ton!

“Home Blessings” is a name I adopted from a Insta-Friend (a gal I don’t personally know but I feel like we’re friends because I follow her on Instagram 😛 ) and I absolutely love it! The term “chores” can seem daunting and uck. But calling it “Home Blessings” is a perspective shift and allows us to say, “thank you Lord for this beautiful home. We are thankful you have trusted us to steward and we want to steward it well. It is a joy to take care of our home.”

What about you?

Are you following a schedule or are you going wild?