paisley – 6 months old

Paisley is 6-months-old!!! Like, how!? Part of me feels like she was just a newborn and the other part of me feels like she’s always been here.


  • being tickled 
  • interacting with Rylie
  • interacting with Emmaline
  • looking at Daddy
  • talking (sooo much talking haha)
  • putting her toys in her mouth
  • moving her arms up and down furiously while kicking her legs with pure excitement
  • playing with the wet-wipe bag


  • feeling like she is alone
  • teething (pretty sure we’ve started that)


Paisley upped her eating quantity but she doesn’t eat as often.

Her bottles are about 6-7oz but she eats every 3-4ish hours.

I got her highchair set up so she’s been sitting there while we eat our meals and she is loving it! I can tell she’s interested in our food too so we’ll be starting baby oatmeal shortly.


Last month I made the big announcement that Paisley was in her big girl crib. Well… midway through the month I wasn’t feeling well and getting up to care for Paisley 3-5 times in the middle of the night just wasn’t working. So I stuck her back in our bedroom. But lately she’s only been waking up 2-3 times so I’ll likely be moving her back.

She’s been going down between 7:30-8pm and wakes up once around 2:50 am and/or 4:30 am. She’s usually up for the day by 7 / 7:30 am.

We are transitioning with naps (going to fewer) so the timing of them is kinda all over the place but there is one in the morning, one around early-afternoon and one around dinner time (late-afternoon).


Paisley is a talker haha third child will not go unheard.

She loves interacting with Rylie and Emmaline. Rylie loves to tickle her and get up in her face (she does this with Emmaline too though but she gets a much different response hahaha). Emmaline makes her giggle too.

We’ve been working on sitting up solo this month and she is doing a great job! She tends to face-plant into the carpet often but she’s well on her way.

She also really likes to stand up with you holding her hands out in front of her. Could we have a walker before she’s a year old?

We’ve been taking a lot of walks lately and Baby Paisley is now sitting in the stroller vs. sitting in the carseat placed in the stroller. She seems to be loving this new view.

Paisley does not like to be alone. At all. So whenever I can get her contently playing alone or enjoying time with her sisters (and I’m not sitting right there or holding her), I encourage it.


Paisley Pailsey Paisley! My sweet little girl. I’m loving her interaction and all the smiles she gives me.

She’s definitely my hip-buddy and rarely lets me set her down without a fuss. But when she does I try my best to leave her be so she can learn to be content on her own.

Everyone agrees that Paisley is a mama’s girl through and through. She doesn’t like to be with anyone for very long, even Aaron. Aaron semi-jokes with her “have you had your daddy fill?” and it hasn’t even been 5 minutes. Facepalm. She’ll stare at him with a flirty smile all day though so he still feels loved.


Rylie at 6-months

Emmaline at 6-months