reaching star

A month ago (May 2020), I had just made the decision to get into the business of Young Living. Honestly, I really struggled with the thought “people are going to think I can’t stick with anything.”

I’m 26, but my lifestyle is more like someone in their 30’s. It’s not uncommon for me to think I should be further along in an area when my situation perfectly matches my age. A great example of this is I’ve done four businesses in 5 years which has led me to feel like others think I can’t make up my mind. Whether that’s true or not, I don’t know, but Young Living is my third MLM, so deciding to jump from consumer to promoter was hard for me. Mainly because I projected what family & friends would think of me. But I couldn’t shake how fun doing the business looked. I followed at least five different ladies who did the business and each of them looked and said they loved what they did! They obviously gained fulfillment from it. All were Christians & talked about Him often. I wanted what they had.

One of the ladies said “give it 4 years.” So I did the math. Four years from now, I’ll be 30. After doing tireless thinking, making a pros and cons list (which is still in my notebook) and praying about it, I made a choice. “I’ll give it four years. Four years of hard work, sacrifice (of my personal, me time) and commitment. And we’ll see where I am when I turn 30.”

So I said “yes!”

I was committed from the get-go, and I knew I needed goals. Goals that intimidated me but also pushed me because they were obtainable.

My initial goal was to hit STAR, the first YL rank, in my first month of doing the business.

STAR requires $500 in sales, including your $100 personal order (so really that’s $400). An easy way to think of it is four starter kits sold.

Of course, this was my goal, but I also understood hitting this in my first month might not happen. I sold my first kit in the beginning of the month, and sold my second in the middle. The last week of the month came up and I started doubting if it was going to happen. I decided to pray specifically about my goal and said, “God, I’d love to reach STAR this month, but if I’m not ready for it, I understand. Help me not be disappointed. I want to do this in your timing!”

Shortly after, I got a sale and a couple days later, on Thursday (6.25.20), I received the email that said I had sold four kits, and, consequently, was now a STAR.

I found out while I was headed out the door to run some errands, but I was so excited! It was affirming to have reached a goal of mine, to be congratulated and recognized, and it encouraged me that I was capable of doing this.

And as a cake topper, I got my fifth sign up the next day (6.26.20).

I decided to celebrate with confetti and a couple fun star themed props (which is really easy when the 4th of July is approaching haha). I’m challenging myself to celebrate the small victories, to take a few hours and recognize myself when I accomplish a goal of mine. The power of words, people.

So what’s your goal this month? Is it to get your kiddo confidently swimming solo? To nail down that grocery budget? To get the promotion at work? That raise? Whatever it is, go for it! Speak life over it. Claim it. You’d be amazed what you can accomplish.

One Reply to “reaching star”

  1. Ashleigh Stratton says:

    Yes girl! You are a go getter! You know what you want and you go for it, even if it means switching what you’re doing. You are ambitious ! You’re so inspiring !

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