paisley – 9 months old

9 months old. Uh… what!?


  • eating big people food
  • playing with all the things
  • screaming
  • being held
  • standing & practicing walking


  • being given her bottle when she wants big people food (which is most meals apparently)
  • sleeping through the night
  • not being with everyone else (or Mama)


Paisley decided to ditch baby food and go straight to solids. Just solids. She doesn’t want her bottle unless she is absolutely famished. “Food before one is just for fun, Paisley. Not ‘bottle is just for fun.'” haha

Of course, bottle feedings are still a must and she’s always at 8oz.

Her fav big people food are Cheerios, animal crackers, eggs and chicken.


Sleep is a sick joke these days. I happily documented last month that “Paisley is my best baby when it comes to sleep…. It’s common for her to wake up once in the middle of the night due to a full diaper, but once that’s changed, she falls right back asleep.”

Well folks, she did a 1/80 on us and started waking up 2-4 times a night. I tired to let her cry it out, but her cry was a high pitched scream like she was being physically harmed and I couldn’t just lay there. Changing her diaper, giving her back her pacifier, patting her for comfort, all the things meant absolutely nothing. Until I handed her a bottle. She’d suck on it little and fall back asleep as soon as I’d take it away. On average, she’d eat about 2-4oz.

Obviously, I’m exhausted. I semi blame it on teething and the other part on that weird 9-month-regression. I’m just hoping we’re nearing an end.

Today at the doctor, he really encouraged me (scolded really :P) to stop feeding her and focus on letting her self-soothe and go back to sleep on her own. I know this is the best and obvious next step, so pray I can shake the mom-guilt of letting my baby cry and that the big girls won’t be awoken by the screaming baby. This has been a hard transition for me with every kid so I’m not surprised…

She usually wakes up for the day between 7 and 8 am and starts rubbing her eyes for bed around 6:30 pm, but I’ll usually keep her up until 7/7:30 pm.

Naps are one in the morning around 9:30 am and another around 1 pm. If her morning nap was long, the 1 pm will be short and if the 9:30 was short, her 1 pm will be long.


Paisley’s favorite way to communicate is screaming. Whether expressing excitement or dissatisfaction, it’s a scream. I love her babble though and try to encourage that regularly.

We’re either sitting on our bottom or getting on our tummy and trying desperately to crawl. She currently scoots herself in circles and can make it a good distance going backwards, but forward motion often leads to frustration and laying facedown into the carpet screaming. haha.

She absolutely loves playing with her sisters, and greatly enjoys their interaction. She loves to laugh with them and smiles so big when they give her hugs & kisses.

PRAISE THE LORD, teeth have broken through! After literally months of teething symptoms, we finally saw her two bottom teeth pop through mid-month and we’re so happy!

9-month clothes are snug and we’re kinda living in the handful of 12-month tees she has. I mean, cloth diapers are practically bottoms anyway with all their cute styles 😉


Paisley is growing up so fast. I love the way she laughs and clings to me out of pure excitement as she whips her head back and forth, watching the screaming toddlers running around at my feet, anxiously kicking her legs and jumping in my arms, ready to join them.

She is such a unique little girl, and I’m excitedly anticipating learning more about her personality and talents.


Rylie at 9-months

Emmaline at 9-months