bump update :: week 13 – 14

With Thanksgiving being last week, I decided it would be easier to just throw these two weeks together. So Week 13 was the week of thanksgiving (context haha)


Week 13:

Symptoms :: As I broke into the second trimester, I felt like I was slowly starting to feel “normal” again. But once 7pm hit, I was super nauseous and borderline incapable of doing much of anything.

Food Aversions :: nothing specific but lots of things didn’t sound great

Food Cravings :: eggos and popcorn

Sleep :: sleep was weird. I woke up in the middle of the night randomly but once I got comfortable (which took a while) I’d fall back asleep.

Looking Forward To :: any and every evening when the kids go to bed and I am alone haha

Fun Stories :: when it comes to the gender of the baby, I try to stay neutral. Obviously I have my hopes (can anyone say “BOY!” hahahaha) but I’ll be so happy and content with another girl too. Anyway, I’ve been very vocal about the things that have been the most different about this pregnancy compared to all three of the girls’. This only makes Aaron say, “sounds like a boy to me…” ;P


Week 14:

Symptoms :: I feel hungrier most days and I’m so tired by the time I’m without kids. But I do feel 90% back to normal and I’m super thankful for that!

Food Aversions :: Chinese food

Food Cravings :: a bowl of cereal around 8pm

Sleep :: when is this ever going to be a positive thing? I crave sleep so much but it’s such a struggle. I wake up multiple times a night BUT one night I woke up at 3am and no matter what I did I could not go back to sleep. So I just got up…. 🙁 it was a long, exhausting day. Shoutout to essential oils though because I notice the nights I use them are my best nights.

Looking Forward To :: finding out the gender 😀

Fun Stories :: I had my check-up appointment this week and I was surprised to find my weight had only increased by two-pounds. After all, I had been eating a lot of eggos and popcorn 😉 I asked my doctor if it was okay that I hadn’t really gained any weight and she said everything looked perfect. I laughed and said, “I realize this sounds so weird that I’m disappointed I’m not gaining weight hahaha I just wanted to make sure because this is, like, the one time I’m supposed to gain weight haha.” my doctor thought it was funny too.

Rylie said, “look Mom, I’m pointing at the baby!” haha