letters to the girls || baby brother

dear Rylie, Emmaline & Paisley,

you girls have been anxiously awaiting this baby’s arrival since we first told you about it in October. The excitement you have shown throughout the nine-months has been nothing short of sweet and memorable.

while the time of it just being the three of you is coming to an end, I know you have no hard feelings because the love and joy over your baby brother’s arrival trumps any other emotion.

Rylie – you are so kind and helpful. the way you have shown love to me by helping me around the house, entertaining / assisting your sisters & making sure I’m drinking enough water (the thing that cures all problems in your world) has truly made the biggest difference for me these last nine-months. you have proudly told complete strangers about your baby brother and shared his name since you found out and we are honored to have chosen a piece of his name to honor you ( 😉 ). I know you are going to love, care and lead your little brother the way you do your sisters – with love, grace and joy.

Emmaline – your interest in your baby brother has been new and welcomed. you have loved to rub my belly (not push, because that was a conversation haha) and feel him kick off and on. even though you’re already a big sister because of Paisley, you are shining in a whole new way this round and it has been beautiful!

Paisley – oh sweet girl, I know you are clueless as to what is really coming. your world right now is just observing that mommy’s lap isn’t as comfortable because something keeps poking you in the back and you happily call everyone’s belly “baby!” with excitement. however, I know that after the initial shock has worn off (that dreaded, “wait, IT’S STAYING!?!?! and I’m not the baby???”), you will thrive as a big sister and take on the role as “middle child” well.

I love each of you so much! thank you for the unique ways you’ve each loved and cared for me and your baby brother these past nine-months. I am so incredibly excited for you girls to meet him and know you will all welcome and adore him in your own way.

love you lots!