strawberry patch – 2022

It’s become a Spring tradition for the Shaver Crew to visit our local (40min away) strawberry patch. We first went in 2020 and it was so special and fun! In 2021, we went a few times including Emmaline’s 3rd birthday and one final date with all three girls before Spencer arrived.

Well, Tuesday (4.19.22) was our day and the girls were “so pumped!” (they’re words hahahah).

We arrived and played on their playground for a while before getting our buckets and being shown our row to pick from. All three girls did a really great job picking strawberries. Rylie was done first but she helped Emmaline and Paisley fill theirs too.

While we were unloading from the van, I had a conversation with the girls about the rules (mainly no eating the strawberries while picking and no stepping on the black tarps). They did a phenomenal job and I never once had to even remind them about what we had discussed.

But then we bought them and they immediately asked if they could have some 🙂

Spencer was delighted by it’s juiciness!

I am so excited to eat these delicious, fresh strawberries over the next few days and make some of my favorite recipes in addition to a couple new ones I’ve been looking forward to trying.