spencer – 12 months old

Spencer Myles is officially ONE!!!!!

Let’s look back on his monthly updates –

1 month old

2 months old

3 months old

4 months old

5 months old

6 months old

7 months old

8 months old

9 months old

10 months old

11 months old

and here we are at 12 months old!


  • walking – he loves to hold onto everything while he moves (even the wall) but he also likes to hold our hands
  • getting in his carseat
  • playing with others (especially kids)
  • eating all the things!
  • being outside


  • being hungry
  • getting his diaper changed (not always fussing, just always moving. He rarely stays still)
  • being set down when he wants to be held
  • getting his hair cut



I can’t even with the excitement and pride I have with that statement. My supply died with each of the girls early on and we were completely on formula by 4 months old. But my dream, ever since I was pregnant with Rylie, was to nurse for their whole first year. And with Spencer, we reached that dream 🙂

He’s weaned from breastmilk now and starting on whole milk. Spencer loves food still and is growing his palate and needing bigger amounts of food.


7-8pm is bedtime. Sometimes he seems super tired (eye-rubs and thumb in his mouth is his telling signs) but other times he’s zooming around on all fours, laughing and playing with so much energy I let him stay up a few extra minutes.

His morning naps are occasional (if we have morning plans, he’ll stay awake, but if we’re home he’ll go down) but his afternoon nap usually runs from 12-2/2:30pm.


Life hasn’t changed much from last month. Joker is everywhere and into everything! I cannot tell you how many times I turn around to do something and when I look back he’s on top of something or unpacking something.

Spencer had his birthday party a couple days before his actual birthday and it was so fun. Just a few friends in addition to our tribe (family).

He also had a birthday photo shoot (a tradition for all our kids) which was the same theme as his party.

He loves to play but he especially loves wooden trains, which made for the perfect gift for his birthday.

Spencer wants to be a part of everything his sisters do, which they’re usually pretty accommodating to but there’s times they just want brother to leave them be.

He has a special relationship with each of his sisters, but him and Paisley’s is definitely unique.

He’s gotten two haircuts and even though he hated the process, the results are fly!

He really enjoys our library trips and crawls around and loves pulling books off the self!


His new thing is he leans back with a HUGE smile/giggle as if inviting me to kiss his forehead – which makes him smile even more.

I shared more of my current relationship with him in my 12 month old letter.


Rylie at 12 months old

Emmaline at 12 months old 

Paisley at 12 months old

One Reply to “spencer – 12 months old”

  1. […] last nursing session was just after his first birthday. I specifically got him from his crib, cuddled in our rocking chair and nursed him one last time. […]

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