spencer – 5 months old

To quote Rylie this morning, “Mom! I can’t believe Spencer is already 5 months old. It’s going by so fast.”

Yes, that’s how I feel about you too, almost 5-year-old! ;P


  • sleeping in his crib
  • the jumper
  • the playmat
  • chewing on his fingers
  • talking


  • being hungry, stinky or tired


Spencer is regularly noticed for his size and when you look at his eating habits, you understand why. He eats around 6am, falls back asleep and is usually up for the day at 8am which also includes his breakfast. From there, he eats every 2-3 hours with his last nursing session being around 7/7:15 to top him off before bedtime. We are still NURSING!!!!!! like, what even!? & we started oatmeal last week (which he loves and eats all of it every time.


This category is tough because he went from waking up twice and a night to waking up three times a night! And the other night it was every 2 hours, so… yeah, we aren’t sleeping through the night yet… and I’m tired.

He takes one morning nap, one afternoon nap and an early-evening nap. The afternoon nap is usually his longest stretch but sometimes he sneaks another short one in between morning and afternoon which makes the second afternoon nap the longer one.

He is sleeping in his own room and I can tell he loved having a crib he can stretch out in (vs. the Moses basket he outgrew).


Spencer has a lot to say. I mean, a lot! I joke that he’s recanting the craziness around him.

Spencer is still trying to roll over, and has made good progress. He can easily roll on his side and usually sleeps that way.

His big sisters love to love on him, and he’s pretty good about letting them.

They also love to entertain him and play with him while he’s in the jumper.

The 25th snuck up on me this month. People asked me how old he was and I quickly responded “4 months old.” Then I decided he had been 4 months for awhile, so I updated it to 4 1/2 months. That afternoon I looked at the calendar and realized it was the 21st and he was going to be 5 months in just a few days. Goodness.

When we were coming home from the hospital after having him, Aaron asked me what I was most excited for (with him being our first boy). I shrugged and said, “all of it.” of course. but I also knew I was excited to dress him. And man, is that proving to be true ;P

He loves to be outside!


Exhausted – you bet. In love with him – absolutely. Feeling extra aware that time is a thief – for sure!

I heard this quote on a podcast one time and I’ve done it ever since… whenever you’re holding your baby, singing to your baby, kissing your baby, doing anything sweet or precious, do it one extra time or for one more minute, and call it “a gift to your future self.” <3 I’ve been doing that a lot lately.


Rylie at 5 month old

Emmaline at 5 month old 

Paisley at 5 month old