highlights of summer 2022

I feel weird thinking summer has ended when the heat is still present and we’re definitely still doing summer activities – but school work has been added into our daily routine now so I suppose it’s time to round-up the highlights of our key summer days.

I labeled these past few months “a summer to refocus,” and man – was it so good! Most days I took inventory of how I was feeling in a moment of pure joy and I truly think it was one of the best summers of my life (definitely the best I’ve had in years!!!!). Why? Here’s my thought – I wasn’t pregnant. A simple thought but really quite freeing. I have always been pregnant before my youngest’s first birthday, which means every moment with Spencer since he turned one has been free from exhaustion, nausea and that first trimester survival mentality. I got down on the ground and played, swam, ran, chased, all the things and it felt so good!

Okay, let’s revisit the highlights of our summer –

June was interesting because it really wasn’t too busy which was exactly what we needed. It still had some key events though, like we got into a local farmers market with our sourdough and I’ve been there literally every single Saturday since (and we’re still going through August).

We had an incredible (and free) experience on a train.

My mom purchased a house, so we went over and hung out for a little bit a few times

Aaron & I celebrated 10 years of knowing each other and our 8 year wedding anniversary. We also snuck in a short lake vacation and I still dream about it.

Paisley & Spencer were publicly dedicated at our church.

We had a couple lake moments.

Rylie had Summer Blast (VBS style)

July man – that was the month that was packed!

A couple days in, I flew out to Seattle (where I’m from) for my grandmother’s funeral. She passed mid-June and I was able to get some solo time up there with my family.

Oh, and I may have gotten a tattoo – it’s cool ;P

We found out our sister/brother-in-law are having a SON and a DAUGHTER (this twin pregnancy has us extra excited!).

Aaron & I got glasses.

A few other noteworthy things was Rylie lost her second tooth, Aaron began his new work schedule (which has been so life-giving to our family), Rylie got an ear infection (two really…), we prepared for school with some reorganizing and I haven’t even touched on our adoption progress.

In addition to doing markets every weekend for fundraising, we had our home study evaluation, had a friend take our profile book photos, filled out and submitted a large amount of paperwork (Aaron decided it was more paperwork than all three of our home purchases combined), submitted our profile book AND completed our Texas requirement. Phew.

And we topped off this unforgettable summer with our first trip to the Georgia Aquarium.

How was your summer?

What were some of your highlights?

One Reply to “highlights of summer 2022”

  1. […] was where summer faded and routine began. And it also birthed my deep desire for Fall weather […]

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