my first farmer’s market experience

I was selling our sourdough bagels and bread online when I was asked by a couple at our church if I’d consider being a booth at our town’s first ever Farmer’s Market (which they were coordinating). I said I’d think about it but I really didn’t feel qualified. But they were persistent and I kept feeling little nudges from the Holy Spirit to do it. I ended up taking the dive – got my food handlers permit and got the necessary supplies.

I spent most of the day Thursday and Friday baking, creating 12 half dozen’s of plain bagels, 19 half dozens of everything seasoned bagels and 21 loafs of bread. I was trying to be modest (not wanting too many leftovers) but also be ready for a rush of customers.

I got the market at 7:30am and my mother-in-law came with me to help set up. After assembling the pop-up tent and getting the tables up, it didn’t take much to be ready to go.

Once the market started (I had my first customer a few minutes before 9am), I sold out of everything by 10:30am. The bread was the first to go, followed by the Everything seasoned bagels.

I was shocked but thankful. The following two hours I sheepishly told people who came up to my booth that I had sold out but I would have more next week. Most of the people said they would definitely come earlier next week and were excited to get some bread.

Now that I’ve gotten a lay of the land, I’ve been strategizing and considering if there’s anything else I could add to my table. I have some ideas and am excited to see how they do.

I’m looking forward to this being a staple of my weeks this summer!

2 Replies to “my first farmer’s market experience”

  1. […] the farmer’s market last Saturday (6.4.22), my sister-in-law and I went to the thrift store. I followed her to the kids section when […]

  2. […] Our first market was a huge success, and we completely sold out the first two weeks. […]

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