7 year blog-iversary

I still remember sitting in my cubicle at work 10 years ago contemplating starting a blog and convincing myself no one would read it because no one cared what I had to say.

Which is why you can understand I still chuckle at the fact I’ve ran a blog for 7 years now (exactly on August 18th) and actually have a lot of people who read it and have (as of a couple weeks ago) become a contributing blogger for the biggest Mom-blog in the state of Alabama.

God is funny!

So this is my encouragement to do the thing that scares you but also intrigues you. That idea you flirt with and then convince yourself would never work. Because the ones I chased are exactly the things that have brought me the most joy. And you never know how God will use it!

Past years:

Year 1

skipped year 2 for some reason

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6